We are truly grateful to God for His many blessings. The Bible tells us that he rewards those who diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6). God has blessed our faithfulness and steadfastness because of our hearts being pointed toward the house of the Lord. Much as the people of Haggai’s day, when the people became concerned about God’s house, the Lord promised to bless their houses.

Our journey began in 1968 with a radio broadcast and this milestone is a sign and testimony of the faithfulness of our bishop, George R. Archie Sr., who obeyed the voice of the Lord to “build Him a house”.  While the journey has not been without its trials and challenges, God has been faithful to us. I look forward to the next phase of ministry that God will lead us to.

I would like to thank all the Moments of Blessings family for all your prayers and financial support. I pray that God increase the abundance in your lives and that you continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our vision to reach the world for Christ can now be further realized by pointing our resources for kingdom building.

I would also like thank the many supporters and contributors which I cannot begin to name who were vital to the helping us make this vision a reality. May God bless you for all your love and support.



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